Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Social Media encourages Narcissism, leading society to a word with no Research Paper

Social Media encourages Narcissism, leading society to a word with no personal interaction - Research Paper Example However, there are several states upon which the social media shall be integrated into the encouragement of Narcissism; hence, lead to a world with no personal interactions. Social media networks are the most to blame for the narcissism that is being witnessed among people based on their endless encouragement of the self-reliance on user-generated content; hence, the promotion of selfish tendencies. Narcissistic personality disorder has led to scholars such as Twenge, and Campbell do research on the causes of this situation. According to the two, Narcissism is brought about by four main methods; Media obsession with the celebrities, changes in education, child-rearing and last but not least lending of funds by the financial institutions. Twenge and Campbell have quite a large amount of data that show how narcissism has greatly influenced the younger generation in the wrong direction. Among the evidence collected by about fifty thousand college students in 2006, approximately ten percent of the Americans met narcissism personality disorder in their early 20s and about 15% in the same cohort had extreme narcissistic behaviors. May this was the reason why DSM-V proposed that personality disorder was normal (p. 274). In this regard, social media is the most platform to be largely blamed for the rise of narcissism in that through it, persons are only interested with self-consciousne ss and interactive life based on gratification of personal and not societal interests. Social media encourage narcissism through the destruction of the social networks initially encountered in homes. In recent past, few families spend time together talking since the larger portion of their time is overtaken by activities in the social media and technological advancements. This way, it can be argued that narcissistic personality disorder is a menace to the younger and older generations. About two-thirds of the college students are victims of the situation brought about by narcissism

Monday, October 28, 2019

Practical book review Essay Example for Free

Practical book review Essay Petersen breaks down the book in five parts . He starts off with part one the value of of communication balancing: listing awhile , talk until the other person stops hearing , Listen until the person calms enough to hear again. He furthers this in a another chapter. He then moves on to the Flat-brain theory . He uses diagrams to explain the different levels of Stomach functions which is where the our emotions are located . This area is were we experience our inner nudges . He also explains how the heart functions , the heart functions as a filter it gives and receives concerns , suggestions, and support. The next function is the head. The functions of the head is thinking, planning , remembering. The next couple of chapters begin to talk about he goes into a deeper understanding of the the flat brain theory until he reaches the flat- brain syndrome where he talks about how our brains function better in a short football shape. However when our brains are squished it creates a serious defect in our head fiction.he continues to talk about this concept . Part two starts off with the talker listener process taking turns talking and listening. This can and will determine the role of talker or listener. The talker-listener card was introduced and we were provided a actual card to put to use in our personal time. The purpose of this card is to create an atmosphere and role of each persons involved. The card provides instructions on when to talk and when to listen this the opportunity of the talker to without being interrupted and the listener to be attentive to what the talker is talking about. Chapters 8 through 15 go deeper in depth of the talker- listener card and its many functions from the talker prescriptive and the listener prescriptive. Part Three Petersen highlights the six communication traps, 1. Ritual listening, 2.Perry Masons( which made me chuckle ) 3. Why? 4. Not?5. I understand, he goes in depth to help the reader understand the difference between the five communications traps. He also talks about when trying new things and some of the thoughts that come long with that . When trying new skills you always have negative reactions such as: To much repetition grates, new skills often sound fake, friends and family co-worker get rattled by change. He further part three by discussing basic listening technique . He uses technique such as : para-feeling ( putting the talker’s feelings into your words), decoding . He futhers the conversation of why we don’t listen better in part five Where you can use TLC( talker-listener card) in group settings . The TLC card can help aide through difficult discussion as well help moderate a two person conversation . In conclusion in part five he states â€Å" how if you go beyond skill to increase empathy, genuineness and warmth you’ll tap into reservoir of healthy humanness that’ll out wheels on your technique( Pg 210). RESPOND! I remember growing up and my mother would ask me â€Å" how are you? what are thinking about?† I would have such a difficult time in expressing my feelings. I felt like when no one really cared about me , and my thoughts. In chapter eleven Petersen talks about the first talker goal: sharing your feelings. I immediately become more in tune with what I was reading. I recently had an encounter with a very close friend and she made the statement: Kia you listen to everyone else’s problems but you never seem to open as easy as we do to you. That’s unfair to us as friends. I thought to myself I trust them as friends but sometimes its easier for me to keep my thoughts to my self . However from reading this chapter I understand that it hinders my communication not only with my friends but with others . It puts a stumbling block on me to be open and receptive. So I went back to that friend and we went to dinner and I used skittles as props; we sat down and for every skittle in my hand I had to share my feelings or thoughts on questions she had or asked. I can honestly say that just by having this little prop it open the door and I was able to release so much that I was holding back from her. I now see the difference of talking and listening she listened attentively and this allowed me to be honest and not feel judged by her or her actions. REFLECT! Honestly the thought that popped in my head as I was reading this book was our relationship with Christ. I have said this before but it seems to be more imperative . We often talk to Christ and we tell Him all the troubles of our lives and how we need this or we need that.However we often neglect the fact that Christ has to something to say to us. I started to reflect on the stories of Jonah , Moses. They did not want to recognize the many clues that was present to them throughout their walk so it took spectacular things to happen to them before they got the message. Isn’t like God to speak to us In the loudest moments of our lives. In those times of anger and frustration and we miss the mark because we are so loud internally. He took Jonah inside of the fishes belly in order to get the message to him . It took a burning bush to get Moses attention and it took me reading this book ; to recognize that internally Im so loud that I need to learn how to calm myself down and others to experience me. Could it be that God has to extreme measures sometimes for me to stop and recognize Him? I often am on the go and pray on the go but I have recognize that in the moments when I feel like giving up or fighting or screaming He speaks quietly and calms my mind , soul, and spirit. He speaks often I guess the question is how much are we really listening ?Silence keeps you bound , talking gets you free, listening brings understanding! ACT! Some of the techniques that I plan on using are the Talker- Listener card . I plan using this in my personal life ,when I have arguments and as well as in just simple conversations when trying to come to an agreement. I believe that this strategy will be helpful in my prayer time . The concept of talking and listening and really allowing God to minster to me as I minster to Him. Another technique I will use and will keep visuals of is the balancing scale of the emotions, heart, judgement or thoughts. Remembering the scale will help balance my conversations in the future especially when it comes to a misunderstanding. I really thank Petersen because I am a visual learner and the pictures put what he was saying in perceptive for me. Another technique that is really important to is remembering the pointing finger. In many conversations I often use my hands to communicate how Im feeling . After reading this section of the book I understand how my hands and fingers can seem more offensive then helping . I will remember this and will try to not use my hands as much in explaining my feelings. I plan incorporating the talker- listener card in my youth groups and after school programs. Teaching our youth to the stages of communication now . View as multi-pages

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay -- Great Expectations Essays

Great Expectations As part of my GCSE coursework I have been asked to analyse the novel ‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens and show how Dickens creates sympathy towards the young character Pip in the extract. Dickens starts the extract by revealing the gloomy and oppressive atmosphere in the residence of Miss Havisham. When Pip arrives at the house of Miss Havisham there is an atmosphere of gloominess which creates sympathy for Pip. ‘No glimpse of daylight was to be seen in it’. Pip feels very insecure because he is a young boy in a strange and unfamiliar environment. He is moreover now in the presence of upper class. This also creates sympathy because Pip is from the lower classes and must face the difficulties to unfold with Estella and Miss Havisham. Everything in the house is covered in dust and all the clocks have stopped. Miss Havisham, the upper class lady of the house is dressed in ‘satins, and lace, and silks - all of white’. Everything in this house was once white a long, long time ago but ‘had lost its lustre, and was faded and yellow’. This image of Miss Havisha... Charles Dickens' Great Expectations Essay -- Great Expectations Essays Great Expectations As part of my GCSE coursework I have been asked to analyse the novel ‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens and show how Dickens creates sympathy towards the young character Pip in the extract. Dickens starts the extract by revealing the gloomy and oppressive atmosphere in the residence of Miss Havisham. When Pip arrives at the house of Miss Havisham there is an atmosphere of gloominess which creates sympathy for Pip. ‘No glimpse of daylight was to be seen in it’. Pip feels very insecure because he is a young boy in a strange and unfamiliar environment. He is moreover now in the presence of upper class. This also creates sympathy because Pip is from the lower classes and must face the difficulties to unfold with Estella and Miss Havisham. Everything in the house is covered in dust and all the clocks have stopped. Miss Havisham, the upper class lady of the house is dressed in ‘satins, and lace, and silks - all of white’. Everything in this house was once white a long, long time ago but ‘had lost its lustre, and was faded and yellow’. This image of Miss Havisha...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essays --

Inter-country adoption has become increasingly difficult over the past few years. In 2004, at its peak, there were about 22,991 adoptions whereas in 2012, there were 8,668 adoptions (Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State), a significant decline. Many countries have put in place policies that have, in effect, made it difficult to adopt. With these restrictive regulations, inter-country adoption has been opening and closing in many countries, leaving the prospective parents and children in an undetermined state. There are two different processes for International Adoptions; the Hague vs. the Non-Hague process. Under the Hague process, children receive more protection as it is more thorough and requires more documentation on the child’s country of origin. The Hague Adoption Convention took place in 1993; the US signed the convention in 1994 and it was enforced in April 2008. About 90 countries were involved and signed this treaty. According to the U.S. Department of State, the main purpose of the convention is to certify that every child adopted is eligible for adoption. A child that is considered to be eligible means that the child was truly given up by the biological parents and was not abducted or sold; this process has decreased the rate of adoptions. Steven Whitehead, Vice President of Overseas Adoption Support and Information Service, stated, ‘Instead of Hague cleaning up a potentially corrupt situation, everything close[d] down’ (Greenblatt, 2011). Initial identification of this concern was via the media presenting international adoptions decreasing with a vivid graph. From there, research was obtained through the U.S. Department of State/Bureau of Consular Affairs. Their website presents statistics over the l... ...ntry will also be important once agreements are made. Advocacy and awareness is still important even after the bill is passed. Supporting agencies and sponsors will be requested to regularly speak to the community and those in position of power to express continued concerns and progress updates. There is no answer or easy solution; there is, however, an opportunity to take steps in the right direction. While there will always be obstacles to overcome, with continued perseverance, we hope to help get children out of institutions, off the streets, and into safe and nurturing homes. Leaving children on the streets and in institutions is unacceptable. Putting aside all other political and social concern, the goal is to place children in happy and safe homes while maintaining processes to deem the child eligible for adoptions and decrease the amount of abuse and fraud.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Overview of Ancient Greece Essay

Athens, Sparta, Alexander, the Parthenon and other ancient ruins are vivid reminders of Greece’s almost hallowed past. Greece is a mountainous land surrounded by over 1000 islands and almost completely circled by the Mediterranean Sea. The first farmers settled there in around about 7000 BC due to the ideal weather of hot dry summers and rain only in winter and soon developed into small independent communities cut off from each other by the mountains and often competing for the best land, because the fertile soil was in short supply. These small communities later developed into the city-states and each had a strong individual identity, although very little is known about these early settlers. The Bronze Age is considered the first historical period, and it was within this period that the early writing systems were developed. During the Bronze Age there were two great civilisations- the Minoans and Mycenaeans. The Bronze Age witnessed major social, economic, and technological advances that made Greece the main centre of activity in the Mediterranean; it was characterized by its rapid growth of population and development of trade. It was in the Bronze Age that metals were first used. The Minoan civilization was the first great civilisation of the Aegean world; it emerged around 3200 BC on the island of Crete. The rich Cretan soil produced oil, grain and wine in abundance. The Minoan’s were not Greek and may have originally come from western Asia as early as 6000 BC. The civilization grew wealthy through trade with countries such as Egypt, Asia Minor and the Levant. The Minoans were skilled artists and craftsmen, creating beautiful objects, their architecture reaching near perfection. The Minoans also ruled the other Aegean Islands and various cities on the mainland. New buildings constantly replaced the cave dwellings of the previous age. The great Minoan fleet ruled the Mediterranean, providing wealth to the island from trade and commerce as well as providing protection from any invaders. They were peaceful people with a love of life and equality between men and women. A major earthquake hit Crete around 1450 BC, causing large-scale destruction of the palaces; but the palaces were rebuilt soon afterwards and the Minoan civilization continued to flourish. Not everyone was as lucky as others to live in the palaces but whoever didn’t, then lived in small farmhouses. A new disaster hit Crete around 1450 BC, causing large-scale destruction to the palaces and settlements and resulting in the eventual demise of the great civilization. The Mycenaean civilization flourished on mainland Greece from around 1600 BC. It was a warlike society and weapons and armour have been found in their graves. Mycenae, city of Agamemnon, was one of several heavily fortified strongholds. They are also known for being great traders as they sailed far and wide. They traded with Egypt, Asia Minor, Italy and Cyprus. The Mycenaeans were very wealthy and archaeologists have uncovered many objects in gold, silver and ivory from their towns. Their writing system called ‘Linear B’ was adapted from a Minoan script. Unlike the Minoans, the Mycenaeans spoke Greek. Around 1250 BC the Mycenaeans started to build huge defensive walls around the major towns because they were under threat from foreign invaders. By 1200 BC the cities began to be abandoned or destroyed. 1100-700BC, after the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization, Greece was plunged into a Dark Age. The rich Mycenaean towns and palaces fell into decline or were destroyed, writing was no longer used and trade with other countries decreased dramatically. Although very little is known about this period it is thought the population of Greece became much smaller with people living in fewer and smaller settlements possibly due to famine and the depopulation. The Archaic Period was a time of great change in Greece from 700 -480 BC. Many cities like Athens, Corinth, Argos and Sparta, grew rich and powerful. Great temples to the gods were built in many places around Greece. The cities developed new ways to govern themselves. Many cities were ruled by kings or rich families. Others were ruled by a small group of people called an oligarchy. At the end of the 6th century BC, Athens developed a system in which many of its citizens helped to make the rules and decisions. This type of government was called democracy. Sparta invaded the neighbouring land of Messenia and forced most of its inhabitants into slavery. To make sure they could control such a large number of slaves, Sparta became a military society. Men and women were expected to be fit and strong. The men were forbidden to have jobs or trade because they were full-time soldiers. Many of the Greek cities joined together when faced with a common enemy. At the beginning of the 5th Century BC Greece was invaded twice by the Persians and even thought the Greeks were outnumbered they were still able to drive the invaders away from their land. From 323-31 BC, the Hellenistic Period was the time from the death of Alexander the Great to the beginning of the Roman Empire. The Greek world was now dominated by large kingdoms ruled by dynasties rather than individual city states. This was a time when Greek influence spread throughout a great deal of the world. The countries that Alexander had conquered adopted the Greek language, religion and styles of art often mixing them with local traditions. Greek towns with gymnasia, temples and theatres were built in all parts of the empire, even as far away as Afghanistan. The word politics come from the Greek word ‘polis’, meaning city-state or community. Greece was a collection of some 1500 separate communities scattered round the Mediterranean. Those cities that were not democracies were either oligarchies – where power was in the hands of the few richest citizens- or monarchies, called ‘tyrannies’ in cases where the sole ruler had complete power by force rather than inheritance. Of the democracies, the oldest, the most stable, the most long-lived, but also the most radical, was Athens. Athens was the first city to develop democracy. Democracy meaning that all the citizens had a say in how a state or city is governed. In Athens the people, who acquired power and freedom, drove out the tyrants. All decision is Athens had to be voted for by the majority of the people. The assembly was the main forum of political life. At least 6000 people had to be present for a meeting to take place. The assembly made important decisions, for example, whether or not to declare war. In times of war, decisions were made about the defence of the city by a group of ten military commanders called ‘strategoi’. These were elected annually and could be re-elected many times. However, not everyone in Athens was allowed to take part in the democracy. Only male citizens had the right to vote. This meant that women and children could not take part in the government. An Ancient Greek soldier was known as a Hoplite. He had to provide his own weapons and armour. A hoplite’s weapons and armour were very simple and left large areas of the body unprotected, but worked well when he fought in a phalanx. The hoplite’s armour consisted of; a bronze helmet with long nose guard and cheek guards, bronze cuirass (breastplate) designed to protect the top part of the body, large shield to protect the body and bronze greaves (leg guards) to protect the lower part of the legs. A hoplite’s weapons were a long spear and short sword. The ancient Greeks believed that there were a great number of god’s and goddesses. They believed that all the gods were descendants of Gaia (the earth) and Uranos (the sky). These gods had control over many different things on earth. In many ways the Greek gods were very human. They could be kind or mean, angry or pleasant, cruel or loving. They fell in love with each other, argued with each other, argued with each other and even stole from each other! The ancient Greeks built great temples and sanctuaries to their gods. They held festivals in their honour, with processions, sports, sacrifices and competitions. Religion played a large part in the lives of ordinary people. Worshippers believed that the gods would treat them well and meet their needs if they offered the fruits of the harvest and animal sacrifices. Stories of the god’s lives were told to children by their mothers and to large audiences by professional storytellers. One key individual of Greece was Alexander the Great. The story of his life sounded more like that of a Greek hero. He was a great military leader and courageous. Many thought he was a descendant of Hercules and another legend claimed he was the son of Zeus. His loyal army would follow him anywhere and he won the respect of the people he conquered. He died aged 33 thousands of miles from home in Macedon with an enormous empire. Another individual was Homer. He was a storyteller and a poet who lived sometime in the 8th century BC. He was greatly admired and created two of the most popular and enduring stories ever told, The Iliad and the Odyssey. Homer’s stories about Mycenae are still told today and reflect real incidents of war, battles and sieges. Drama and theatre were Greek inventions. They held great festivals where plays were performed. At the end of the festival they would choose one of the plays as the winner. The two main types of play performed were tragedy and comedy. Tragedies dealt with terrible events like war or murder. Often they recreated famous Greek myths and legends. A comedy poked fun at current events and people. Many thousands of people would attend these festivals which were dedicated to the god Dionysus.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Die For Your Couintry essays

Die For Your Couintry essays Is it Glorious to Die for your Country? Is it glorious to die for your country?.... This question has been posed to many young people about to embark on war although the answer has usually been yes in response to their country due mainly to the fact that the government instills it in the people of the country to support one's country and one way is to send young abled bodied men into the army. If you were one individual that was not in favour of fighting for your country you would surely become an outcast by the countries people. To avoid ridicule and becoming outcasted by the people living around you, you would join the army just in the thought that you were obligated to for the sole sake of your country. Such thoughts were reinforced by the government promotion of propaganda. Glorifying death is not needed to be taught and should be up to the sole individual. School systems should teach an unbiased point of view of war to enable the child to make their own decision to fight for one's country. Is it Glorious to Die for your Country? Within the education system it was instructed to the teachers to teach the children at a young age during the brink of war to instill that their the life of the country and for them to defend their country against the enemy. Teachers showed being in a army was representing honour and the pride of the country. Guilt was laid on the students who showed rebellion by the teacher. Many times the teacher would try to show a soldier that looks happy and content trying to represent being a soldier makes you happy and content. Many young inexperienced soldiers were sent to training camps near the battle fields that they would soon be sent to fight, for their country and their life. The training camps were situated on similar enviroments that resembled the battle fields of where the fighting would take place. Reinforced displine to the young ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

School as Democratic Institutions

School as Democratic Institutions Academic freedom is a freedom to teach or to learn without inference by a government. Read about the restrictions of the academic freedom at institutions. Hashtag: #DelhiDecides School as Democratic Institution A democratic society is one ruled by the people. Therefore, the people decide who will head their government such as the #DelhiDecides in India and can freely express their sentiments or criticism against anyone in the public service. In practice, this particular power in some country is limited to influential democratic institutions such as schools where academics cannot express their opinion on social issues regardless of their academic freedom. Institutions supporting democratic way of life are organizations that promote good governance, rule of law, human rights, preservation of the environment, education, and so on. News Media is a democratic institution that often elicits accountability from state actors; promote peace and human rights. Academic institutions, on the other hand, are moral and democratic as they developed students’ moral and civil character, and promote a sense of community and participation in democratic processes. In other words, news media and schools have the power to influence and modify a social order. Some academics are aware of their influence and exercise their freedom as citizens of the state to express their thoughts and opinions in and out of school. For instance, social media users are freely giving their opinions regarding the election in India where #DelhiDecides. Some of them were academics expressing their thoughts on political issues, criticizing candidates, and policies of the incumbent government. These practices are actually encouraged by the institutions as concerned citizens contributing to public debate. However, they should make it clear that their views are not of the institution but their own. Moral Failure in Academic Institutions Academic freedom, therefore, is merely a guarantee that academics are free to research and publish papers on issues they find disturbing without government intervention. It is not about resistance but the use of freedom for the public good through research, dissemination of knowledge, and promotion of independent thinking and expression within the academic atmosphere. Overlapping Rights and Politically Motivated Restrictions The confusion in academic freedom, particularly in higher education, is in the overlapping scope of academic democracy and academic freedom. For instance, the rights specified in the academic democracy that says â€Å"within academic sphere† limit the rights provided by academic freedom of free expression and academic participation in activities that can help expands the frontiers of knowledge. In other words, contrary to belief, they can freely express their opinion but on the institution or the system in which they work and nothing more. However, if one would look closely on the recommended universal application of academic freedom, it will be quite clear that academics have the right to participate and contribute to social change. The UNESCO recommendation clearly states that academics should enjoy civil and political liberties and these include freedom of thought, conscience, religion, expression, assembly, association, and the right to contribute to social change. Specifically, academics can express their opinion on state policies and issues particularly those affecting the quality of education. The extent of academic freedom, therefore, depends on state policies that are often highly political. In fact, the freedom of expression and association in academic sphere are restricted along with terms commonly used by some governments to imply severity of violation and punishment. These include suppressing freedom of expression for â€Å"public safety†, a political act â€Å"necessary in a democratic society†, and it is â€Å"prescribed by law† so do not talk against your government. Instead of letting academic intellectuals share their expertise as valued citizens of the nation, the government created a climate of fear.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Secret to Writing Great Headlines for News Stories

The Secret to Writing Great Headlines for News Stories Youve edited a news story for grammar, AP Style, content and so on, and are laying it out on the page, or about to upload it to your website. Now comes one of the most interesting, challenging and important parts of the editing process: writing a headline. Writing great headlines is an art. You can bang out the most interesting article ever written, but if it doesnt have an attention-grabbing headline, its likely to be passed over. Whether youre at a newspaper, news website, or blog, a great headline (or hed) will always get more eyeballs scanning your copy. A Challenging Endeavor The challenge is to write a head thats as compelling, catchy and detailed as possible, using as few words as possible. Headlines, after all, have to fit the space theyre given on the page. Headline size is determined by three parameters: the width, defined by the number of columns the hed will have; the depth, the meaning is the head one line or two (known by editors as a single deck or a double deck;) and the font size. Headlines can run anywhere from something small - say 18 point -Â  all the way up to banner front-page heds that can be 72 points or bigger. So if your head is designated as a 36 point three-column double-decker, you know it will be in a 36 point font, running across three columns and with two lines. Obviously, there are many different kinds of fonts; Times New Roman is one of the fonts most commonly used in newspapers, but thats something each individual paper or website decides on. So if youre assigned to write a five-column, two-line, 28 point double-deck hed, you know youre going to have a lot more room to work with that if youre given a two-column, one-line hed in a 36 point font. Whatever the length, the headline should be the best one possible within the space allotted. Unlike newspaper pages, stories on websites can, in theory at least, be much longer, since space is less of a consideration. No one wants to read a headline that goes on forever, and website headlines need to be just as catchy as ones in print. Indeed, headline writers for websites use Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, to try to get more people to view their content. Here are some headline-writing tips to follow: Be Accurate This is most important. A headline should entice readers but it shouldnt oversell or distort what the story is about. Always stay true to the spirit and meaning of the article. Keep It Short This seems obvious; headlines are by nature short. But when space limitations arent a consideration (as on a blog, for instance) writers sometimes get verbose with their heads. Shorter is better. Fill the Space If youre writing a headline to fill a specific space in a newspaper, avoid leaving too much empty space (what editors call white space) at the end of the head. Always fill the specified space as best you can. Dont Repeat the Lede The headline, like the lede, should focus on the main point of the story. But if the head and the lede are too similar the lede will become redundant. Try to use slightly different wording in the headline. Be Direct Headlines arent the place to be obscure; a direct, straightforward headline gets your point across more effectively. Use Active Voice Remember the Subject-Verb-Object formula from news writing? Thats also the best model for headlines. Start with your subject, write in the active voice, and your headline will convey more information using fewer words. Write in Present Tense Even if most news stories are written in the past tense, headlines should almost always use the present tense. Avoid Bad Breaks A bad break is when a hed with more than one line splits a prepositional phrase, an adjective, and noun, an adverb and verb, or a proper name. Example: Obama hosts WhiteHouse dinner Obviously, White House should not be split from the first line to the second. Heres a better way to do it: Obama hosts dinnerat the White House Make Your Headline Appropriate to the Story A humorous headline may work with a lighthearted story, but it most definitely wouldnt be appropriate for an article about someone being murdered. The tone of the headline should match the tone of the story. Know Where to Capitalize Always capitalize the first word of the headline and any proper names. Dont capitalize every word unless thats the style of your particular publication.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Information Infrastructure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Information Infrastructure - Essay Example The Internet is an amalgam of thousands of interconnected networks. Some of these networks are vast global networks like Worldcom (MCI) or Cable & Wireless while others are small local networks like a corporation. The individual networks that compose the Internet are commonly called autonomous systems (AS) and number roughly 12,000 active AS'S with 22,000 assigned and roughly 65,000 AS'S possible (Gao 2001). The task of trying to provide a minimum level of security for all these networks is a daunting effort, but one that has been increasingly highlighted as an economic imperative (Lakhina et a1 2002). The implication here is that despite its depiction by Internet engineers as an "amorphous cloud" (Kostas et al. 1998), has a definite physical structure and hierarchy. In the simplest sense, the Internet is a network - or, more accurately, a network of networks. The Internet is composed of a wide variety of small, medium and large networks that all interconnect to different degrees to give the seamless impression of one big machine to the end-user (Kostas et al. 1998). ... Kabay (2005) provides us with a rudimentary framework for the stated by highlighting the obvious importance of location, whether geographic or within the organization. As regards the geographic aspect, networks should be positioned in a safe neighbourhood, as in one which does not have a high breaking, entry and burglary incident rate, and which is, further, not position in a vulnerable accident area, as in near an airport or by a highway. The implication here is that the first step towards physical security lies in the geographic location of the entity's network system. Within the parameters of location, the second consideration is the location of the network/server within the organization itself. As Kabay (2005) contends, the network should be positioned for maximum security and, at the same time, easy access. Maximum security implies placement in low risk areas, as in areas which are not vulnerable to external or internal threats. At the same time, the identified maximum security area cannot be such that access to it is problematic (Kabay, 2005). Upon resolution of the location question, physical security issues need to resolved. As noted in the Little Black Book of Computer Security, under no circumstances should unauthorized personnel ever be given the opportunity to access the network, or ICT facilities. Most obviously, this means that employees should keep doors closed at all times and should an employee step out, he/she must make sure that he/she has closed the door behind him/her. Even though this may sound as an unnecessary statement of the obvious, the fact is that employees often forget this basic rule and, as a result, leave

Friday, October 18, 2019

Fiscal condition of the federal government today Essay

Fiscal condition of the federal government today - Essay Example The US financial crisis threatens not only its constituent states but also the world at large. The crisis has been around for some time. It started slowly with fears of the worst since 2003. As the years progressed, the fears came to pass with the present financial status leaving more to be desired in the financial markets.The last six months have demonstrated financial volatility (not only in US but world over) that has never been witnessed may be since the great depression (O'Connor, 2001. pp.10-15). This paper seeks to evaluate the present fiscal condition of the US federal government with emphasis on the causes of the crisis and an exploration of the effects of the crisis on both the public and private domain. The federal government fiscal crisis is echoed by the serious struggle by the states and local governments through unfathomable and prolonged fiscal crisis which has since spread from the federal government to haunt them. The states', not mentioning the federal government's , revenues are declining sharply or if they are growing, then this growth is indeed very slow to be noticed. This is made worse by the federal government out spending its revenues. The crisis is likely to continue unless some quick and informed remedial measures are not taken.According to the 2002 financial year report, as at September 2003 the federal government had more than $1 trillion reported assets with slightly more than $8 trillion in liabilities leaving $7 trillion accumulated deficit with a reported $365 billion operating deficit and a $158 billion unified budget deficit. The projection by the general comptroller and CBO was that the situation was headed for worse with the unified budget deficits likely to hit $401 billion and $480 billion in 2003 and 2004 respectively. This means that there was no hope in 2002 and the situation was expected to worsen with time. 2008 was recorded the climax of the financial market redundancy and thus you can imagine the situation in 2008 i f it is worse than the figures projected for 2003 and 2004. The 2008 was marked with acute financial crisis with the financial market feared to be headed for a clash. The cause of the situation was immediately credited to the borrowers who were at the verge of insolvency and thus pulling down the lenders. These borrowers include the auto industry which has since received $15 billion bailout. Based on this insolvency, most lenders declined to lend thus affecting the mortgage industry and the stock market. Apart from the cause mentioned above, the other causes of this sticky financial crisis may be traced down to the weakening economy, the 1990's tax cut policies taken by the federal and state governments, sharp decline in stock markets, and the structural anomalies in the state and federal government tax systems among other seen and unseen causes. Focusing on policy, it is common knowledge how federal policy can impact state finances. Since the 1990's, the federal government set policies to provide subsidies to the state and local governments. The subsidies were to be provided because the federal government asked the states to reduce the cost of taxes on the taxpayers. This tax cut was later to haunt the federal government. The federal government also exempted interests on bonds from the federal taxation. Another tax policy is the fact that the federal government managed the entire estate tax and shared the tax revenues amongst the states. The 2003 Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconcili ation Act (JGTRRA) came with a counter- cyclical fiscal relief or subsidies for the states. The fiscal relief amounted to $20 billion over 2003 and 2004. The fiscal reliefs to cover the tax cuts instituted by the federal government ate significantly into the federal governments financial reserves. This together with the ever increasing demand for better Medicaid and Medicare funding thoroughly utilized the federal finances. The percentage allocation for Medicaid, Medicare and other social welfare programs increased to more than 60% raising concern

IT - Operation Aurora Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IT - Operation Aurora - Research Paper Example This cyber security and the increasing cyber crime had been the greatest concern for the present as well as for the future generation. A study made in the year 2003 in the United States of America revealed that 31 percent of the respondents considered this cyber security as the second most concern after the misappropriation of the individual assets. Moreover over 15 percent among the respondents have experienced the threat of cyber security in the last two years facing a loss which most of them could not quantify in actual. However on an average measurement of the total financial cost for the last two years incurred in cyber crime valued to be about 812,318, US dollars (Smith, Grabosky, & Urbas, 2004, p. 15). Thus the paper focus on cyber security with the main focuses on Operation Aurora. Type of breach Viruses in the computer system, defacement or the alteration of the websites along with system crashes and redirection or even misappropriation of the resources of the system are som e of the breaches generally reported in regards to the cyber security (Smith, Grabosky, an Urbas, 2004, p. 15). Morgan Stanley underwent a "sensitive breach" where hackers attempted to enter its complex for six months, starting from June 2009 (Rashid, 2011). Circumstances of the occurrence of breach Operation Aurora is a large scale hacking that victimized even Google and Morgan Stanley along with about 200 other companies with most of their identities not yet revealed. They had made the breach occurring in Google public in the month of January 2010. However they kept the hacking of the company of DuPont secret. Fear of the affect on the investors of the company in revealing the hacking or the breach was the reason behind the secrecy maintained by the company to the public. The seriousness of the issue of this cyber hacking forced the white house in engaging a senate task force for reporting and investigating in the security issues of this cyber world. The recent trend of the online attacks in targeting the renowned international companies reveals the cyber insecurity of the corporate world. In order to prevent the dangerous trend from persisting and even increasing the companies have to undertake own initiative in ensuring steps for the security of their own data served online. According to the Whitehouse, theft and piracy are engaging in the transfer of wealth that is the biggest in the planet history and the victim companies stands on the ultimate losing end. Another incident of an attack launched in the year 2009 that had the Chinese base had targeted the energy companies. The security firm of McAfee reported the attack named as â€Å"Night Dragon†. However the identity of the targeted company was not disclosed by the report published by McAfee. But the emails of the company of HBGary Federal had with it the lists of the name of the targeted companies. According to the lists the companies were Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell, General Electric, Marath on oil along with ConocoPhillips and BP. (Liebowitz, 2011) Operation Aurora even imposes a break in the network security of the bank, Morgan Stanley. A company of cyber security working with the corporate bank had their very sensitive email stolen which indicates the experience of the hacking of the ‘China based hackers’

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A business letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A business letter - Essay Example cation system with various aspects in it, such as Community Health Mediator, Emergency Epidemic Health Awareness Program Associate, Psychiatric, and Mental Health Management, Health Marketing experts for various Government and Medical-Surgical Agencies along with others. Additionally, I came to know about those various aspects of health communication specialist from the professors of Boston Medical Center Health Net Plan that has considerably supported me in order to attain comprehensive understandings related to health communication.This short tour of Boston Medical Center Health Net Plan has provided me some insights related to the work of health communicator specialist that I eventually choose for my research documents. I especially appreciate the great time with Boston Medical Center Health Net Plan as well as the efforts from the professors. The professors spent a lot of time with me to show all the aspects of health communication as a subject, as a career along with its future prospects and the other facilities and attributes of this subject. Their valuable comments and advice were most influential and helpful to me. I would also like to thank them all for supporting me in selecting appropriate career plan via selecting such a promising career path like health communicator and assist to select a proper institution for learning the subject of health

Birth Control Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Birth Control Policy - Essay Example For instance, some theories such as the public choice theory put more emphasis and focus at the level of individuals rather than focusing on the institutional level. The public policy making process is normally at the heart of effective services provision. It has been stated that the process of policy making normally occurs six major phases (Howlett, et al 2009). These are agenda setting, decision making, policy formulation, implementation, evaluation and finally termination or renewal. Health is a matter of public interest. For this reason the government involvement in matters concerning health is usually to a greater extent. The government normally formulates policies for different reasons. Some policies are normally formulated for the purpose of population control. Population control is actually the essence of birth control. The health policy is triggered by the desire and need to address several issues. These are broadly explained as; the health care policy seeks to be comprehensive enough to include the highest number of the citizens possible. This is one of the reasons why some people were saying that implementation of the policy will be very expensive and might cause the tax payer a lot of money. Coverage does not necessarily mean access. These two can be mutually exclusive. For instance, a person might be under the coverage of a certain health care scheme but for some other reason fails to gain access. Coverage also means a wider scope of the provisions of the insurance and other health plans. For instance, there is a new federal directive that requires insurance plan to also provide for birth control. The policy also seeks to ensure that the health care being accorded is quite affordable to everyone. This stems from the notion that health care is a very essential service that each and every person should have access to. For this reason it is important that the health care cost is affordable. Health care is a very important service. This can

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A business letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A business letter - Essay Example cation system with various aspects in it, such as Community Health Mediator, Emergency Epidemic Health Awareness Program Associate, Psychiatric, and Mental Health Management, Health Marketing experts for various Government and Medical-Surgical Agencies along with others. Additionally, I came to know about those various aspects of health communication specialist from the professors of Boston Medical Center Health Net Plan that has considerably supported me in order to attain comprehensive understandings related to health communication.This short tour of Boston Medical Center Health Net Plan has provided me some insights related to the work of health communicator specialist that I eventually choose for my research documents. I especially appreciate the great time with Boston Medical Center Health Net Plan as well as the efforts from the professors. The professors spent a lot of time with me to show all the aspects of health communication as a subject, as a career along with its future prospects and the other facilities and attributes of this subject. Their valuable comments and advice were most influential and helpful to me. I would also like to thank them all for supporting me in selecting appropriate career plan via selecting such a promising career path like health communicator and assist to select a proper institution for learning the subject of health

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

European financial market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

European financial market - Essay Example In business parlance, pooling is the grouping credit transactions like bank loans( Brigham, 1985). An example is when loans and other long term liabilities with the same characteristics are pooled successfully into a new stock. Other examples of pooling applying for cash loans(Weston, 1993) with property, plant and equipment are used as collateral loan received is used to invest in several stocks and bonds. The company can also enter into a bond agreement where the bank intermediaries will give a $200,000 loan where the house and lot and another factory equipment will be pooled together to be used as collateral to put buy stocks in the stock exchange. Funds includes all available money, including cash and checks deposited in banks and cash on hand. Funds also include mutual funds(Gartner,1997) where money is invested in many stocks and bonds and not lumped on one stock or bond alone. Pension fund is one fund pooling where the employees contribute a small amount of money to a fund so that when such employee retires, he or she will be able to receive a pension benefit upon his or her retirement. Pension fund could be availed of upon retirement either by lump sum method or monthly method. The factors that affect the success(Thompson, 1999) or failure of a pension fund is based on the tables below. The Life expectancy table shows , in 2002, that in the United Kingdom women will generally live until the ripe old age of 80 years old as compared to only 73.7 years old in 1960. The men, meanwhile, will live up to the ripe age of 75.2 which is an increase from the 67.0 years old age in the year 1960. The elderly will increase to 47 percent in the year 2040 in the United Kingdom as compared to only 32 percent in the year 2020. The table below also shows that pension assets divided by Gross Domestic Product is 91 which lower than the amount accorded to Switzerland and Swed en. The pension assets of United Kingdom pension assets will reach US $1,403,000.000. The real returns divided by risk for United kingdom pension fund is 5.9 and its 50-50 bond equity is 4.4 while the pension plan's global portfolio 67.5 and lastly, The real average earnings of United Kingdom is 2.8. One popular pooling of fund transaction is to exchange cash on and cash in banks and to invest these funds in the stock market. The company then generates income both ways. The first way is to earn dividends that the invested company declares. The second way to gain income is to sell the stocks at a market price that at a much higher than the price when the company bought the stocks. THREE OTHER FUNCTIONS OF FINANCIAL SYSTEM Financial System (UK) . This is defined as the information system(Obrien,1992) shows us all MONEY transactions using applications such as word, excel, quickbooks, MYOB accounting software and many others for the gathering of business related data such as official receipts received from suppliers for purchases paid or officials receipts issued for items sold. Electricity, water and telephone bills are also documents evidencing data to be inputted in the

Writing an excellent outcome Essay Example for Free

Writing an excellent outcome Essay Always remember that the experiences and outcomes should have an impact on classroom practice and learning. The outcomes should not be written in the form of assessment criteria, nor should they constrain learning. Every outcome should therefore be tested against the following criteria: 1. It should express learning that is clear to the teacher, and where possible the young person. This will promote the application of formative assessment strategies. 2. It should indicate the purpose of the outcome and/or direct the selection of learning activities for all children and young people. 3. It should allow evaluation of the outcome. In other words, it should be clear from the outcome what evidence might be observed to demonstrate progress by the child or young person. Also bear in mind that there is no intention to produce an elaborated curriculum. Outcomes should therefore offer and support opportunities for enrichment and development for those young people with additional support needs who may not progress beyond the first levels. As you complete blocks of work a further test is to consider the extent to which you have prioritised and simplified existing guidance and to ask yourself if any changes are robust and justifiable. As a general rule outcomes should begin with the ‘I can’ stem. Experiences describe purposeful and worthwhile tasks, activities or events that contribute to motivation, personal development and learning. As a general rule they should be signalled using the ‘I have’ stem. The following additional general parameters will help you get started. †¢ Simplification and prioritisation should result in time and space being made to operate the seven principles of curriculum design. For example, teachers should have time for greater depth of study, to introduce topics or ideas in a relevant context or to respond to local events or circumstances and to ensure progression. †¢ Assume your outcomes can be taught within the time allocations typically applied in schools at present.   Some outcomes should ask young people to draw together, consolidate and synthesise their earlier learning in some way e. g. by summarising, generalising or applying earlier learning.   You should aim to embed cross-curricular aspects, including skills, within the outcomes. To help you a cross curricular skills set is being identified. The’ Core Skills’ of Communication, Numeric, Information Technology, Problem Solving and Working with Others are part of the National Qualifications framework. In due course the two sets will be assimilated. Skills will be embedded in the outcomes using the skills reference set.   Progression within and between levels will be indicated through the chosen content or context. During the next stage you will be refining the outcomes and experiences in light of feedback and these will be built up into a database. This is under development, and may include the following fields: Curriculum area and level, Outcomes, Links with the 4 capacities, Links with cross-cutting themes, Links with other curriculum areas and Links with the skills set. There will be important work to ensure that cross-curricular aspects including skills development are being addressed in a consistent and coherent way across the entire curriculum. The quality assurance process Please remember that until final versions of the guidelines are prepared, all work is ‘works in progress and therefore subject to scrutiny and change. While work is in preparation for engagement it should be treated with an appropriate level of confidentiality. Opportunities will be found to bring all writers together from time to time to compare notes on progress to allow debate and challenge and to ensure everyone feels supported as part of a bigger team.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Main Product In Madonna Cultural Studies Essay

The Main Product In Madonna Cultural Studies Essay Madonna born on August 16, 1958 her name full name is Madonna Louise Ciccone. Born in the Bay City Michigan of America and later moved to New York in 1977 to pursue the career in modern dance. In early days she has performed as an artist in the famous breakfast club and emmy. She released her first debut album in 1983 (Madonna) which became great success. She has emerged as a singer, lyricist, actress, and dancer and as an entrepreneur. She has sold 300 million copies of her albums worldwide. She has been rewarded from gunnies books of world records as the bestselling female recording artist of all time. Background All in all Madonna has seen the life very closely, with all ups and downs in her early days. She formed her own band with her ex-boyfriend Steve bray and they moved together into music building, where they written new songs and developed strategies for future. Madonna had tried to contact many music directors, agents and record companies to give her chance. In 1981 there was a certain shift in her success image. Madonna rather than following the rock genre she started making dance music which was emerging in New York clubs. She has put great effort in making her image as a new fashion icon, where she has adopted funky jewellery, cloths and extras. Madonnas style was soon become the new fashion for most of the girls around the world. Madonna realised that the dance clubs and the DJs are the first step for her success. She accompany the DJs to play her songs in clubs and her frequent appearance with her friends in her glossy and funky dresses made people being her fan and friends. The first release was 12-inch which gained huge success in clubs and gained Madonna name and fame. In 1983 her first album was released which she named as Madonna. Most of the songs became famous and hit the US charts. This was just a start for Madonnas success during 1986 to 1990 Madonna has released 6 albums and many of the songs from those albums become the top hits. Marketing mix The marketing mix is one of the important frameworks to define the product or brand offering. It includes the basic four Ps which are named as product, price, place, promotion. Product The main product in Madonna case is Madonna herself. She was and she still is one of the most successful women in music. She made herself as the icon and ideal for the young generation. Basically Madonna was not only about music. She was more than that, she was a style diva, her cloths and fashion ideas were become famous and were adopted by most of the young generation girls. Such as her famous tag boy toy belts, funky apparels etc. basically her product strategy was based on market development and diversification and something new. Madonna has given a new name to fashion and her ideas of style were copied by millions. Price In early days Madonna has put her tracks in New York clubs to gain popularity, with the help of DJs. Later on when she became famous her album was sold instantly and 8million copies were gone from shelves. The price was affordable according to that time customers pocket. Madonnas target market has always been the young generation and teenagers who love rock and dance music. The price penetration strategies and Madonna image has worked well to gain her name and money. Place Madonna has made the whole world to want her. Her early days of performing started from America New York and she made New York as her starting point to win the world. She was one of the most demanded and listened artist of all times in west. She has gained the name and fame by producing herself as a global singer not to limit herself to America. Her shows and world tours were great success all around the world. She penetrated the market via her appearances in different countries. Madonna has left a huge impression on people mind. Promotion Madonna has described herself as the hardworking, ambitious and determined lady. She has worked hard on promotions; she has chosen the best people in the business to develop her global image. She has used the club DJs to promote her tracks in early days and later on the agents and organizers who has introduced her to the world of fame. Madonna has worked side by side with the show organizer to arrange her shows in which she has shown her management skills. Her promotion strategies were always according to the audience she is going to see. In different countries she has made appearance differently with diva and raunchy looks she has attracted many hearts. SWOT Analysis of Madonna Key stake holders of Madonna Madonna has many different kinds of stakeholders and at different levels. The main stake holders for Madonna are given below. Audience Customers Music directors Show organizers Agents Choreographers National and local authorities Media Crew Designers Madonnas strategy is always to try and adopt something new, rather than to stick into one success formula that risky attitude of her got her more success name and fame. One of her secret of success is her attitude toward trying and experimenting new things with her music and personality. Madonnas image has changed with every CD release, her brand essence remain constant. This is a major part of her appeal. overt sexuality female empowerment rebellion the celebration of success spiritual honesty Madonna embodies a freedom of spirit, material success and politico-sexual honesty which is seen by many as the apogee of feminism. PEST Analysis Porters five forces model Value chain analysis Madonnas value chain contains few very strong key factors, which start from the show organizers/music directors/producers. Then the operations in which the actual process starts to create value for customers. In which all stake holders such as (choreographers, designers hair stylists, dress designers and stage designers etc.) work together to make sure customers get what they paid for. Once the operations finish their part, then its time for marketing and promoting the event or the product. Marketing and promotions is very integral step in the value chain. The customers have to get aware of what they going to get and when and where. It could be done via using different methods of marketing communications. Once the marketing and promotions has done their part, its time for product to get into market and available at sellers and selling points. The last part in that case is service Madonna always tries to give the value to its customers money and provide the best and quality time to he r fans. All these factors help Madonna to get competitive advantage in her genre. People are loyal to Madonna and her talent. Madonna can use her name to make more profit via using the differentiation and diversification strategy which will help Madonna to get the new success. Madonna could possibly enter to other different categories such as apparel, clothing, makeup and jewellery sections where there is a huge female fan following is for Madonna which will get her good profits in long run. Strategic options analysis for Madonna Madonna is getting old; she is 52 year old the market penetration strategy will not be the viable options. As the existing market is aging and the demographics are changing, so penetrating market will not be able to bring the success which Madonna desire. Introducing new products in existing market may work out something but still for Madonna to introduce something new in existing market might not be a viable option as mentioned earlier that the existing market has changed drastically but still her strength is RD as she is very hard working does homework before doing something so there are chances of this strategy to work out. Madonna has still got opportunity to explore and get into new markets with her existing products; there is still the world which needs to be introduced with Madonna. With some innovation in her music and reinventing the tracks with new music videos will work out for her. With the help of technology Madonna can reinvent her music and make it available via internet to large amount of people across the world. Its more risky than market penetration but as Madonna personality is when there is risk there is reward. The best strategy for Madonna is to use the diversification strategy. In terms as Madonna has developed herself as the one of the most successful female artist of all time. In diversification Madonna could possibly introduce herself as the new brand persona, via using her personality and name in addition to collaborating with new brands. Madonna is at such stage where people admire her a lot, the introduction of new things and products under Madonna name would work out. She can possibly train new singers, introduce her own product lines such as cosmetics, jewellery and apparels with Madonna magic touch. Diversification is the most risky strategy as the market and customers are both new. There is more reward in this strategy as well, if successful Madonna can get a new status and place in society and can get a new kind of fame. Conclusion and recommendations Madonna has seen the life very closely and knows the value of life and money. Madonnas early days were hard and those hard days made her the strong lady, ambitious, determined. She believed that there was something in her and she worked on it and proved herself to be the one of the most successful lady of all time. The art of using people and understanding the changing trends made her successful. Now Madonna has reached the age and name and fame where, she dont need to be on front and use the same tactics which she has used during her early success days. The world has changed and emerged in something completely different way, the technology has made it possible to reach the customers across the world. For Madonna should focus on cashing her image now. By introducing her own line of cosmetics, apparels, jewellery etc. she still can be the style diva for new youth. Madonna could possible use old tactics but with reinventing them according to the new world demands and choices. Madonna c ould possibly work in production and introducing new singers and helping them develop in music industry with Madonna help. This could possibly keep Madonna in media eyes.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Training and Development is said to be beneficial for both firms and em

Training and development is said to have a positive impact for both firms and employees, this essay will explain the terms â€Å"Training and Development† and look at the advantages and disadvantages for the Employer and employees. One of the biggest limitations of â€Å"Training and Development† is how the impact of training and development on productivity and profit is measured for organisations and individuals. This essay will therefore attempt to address the â€Å"Why then are some organisations and individuals reluctant to invest in training?† since training and development is said to be beneficial to both parties. Assuming the long term benefits of training and development can be measured by quality or profit, and then the advantages for both the employee and employer will prove satisfactory. A relevant point that will be made is that more research needs to be done on the benefits of investing in training and development for both parties and how it affects productivity positively. The HR literature sees training as the â€Å"vital component† in organisational processes of cultural change and an important behavioural device in terms of securing workforce commitment (Keep 1989). It also refers to it as the process of imparting specific skills at one point in time, it could be an on the job training or off the job training either academic or online courses. (Laird et al. 2002) goes further to define it as the acquisition of technology that permits employees to perform to standard. Not all training researchers distinguish between training and development; they can be interchangeable and tend to overlap themselves. For (Nadler, 1970) in his Developing Human Resources, he defined Development as being concerned with preparing the employee so they ca... ... their skills. For example in the United Kingdom 77% of UK jobs are in the service sector which focuses mainly on low paid and low skilled jobs In conclusion, this essay has highlighted the benefits of training and development to the employee and employer. However at its peak most of the benefits are suitable for firms that have quality has their benchmark not cost being one of the reasons why most firms do not train. The essay went further to attempt the question on why some organisations and individuals are reluctant to invest in training by pointing out that despite all the potential benefits of training and development it is not easy to gauge the benefits and contribution it makes to the individual and organisations as discussed above. Employers are largely involved in a market of low value added service and do not necessarily need a large skilled force.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Upton Sinclair :: essays research papers

	At the turn of the century America was in the face of economic downfall. Laissez Faire Industrialism had been in place and citizens were at the disposal of big business. Poor working conditions and poverty were the norm in a time where Socialism was an irrelevant ideology. Big business was making the government rich. But according to Upton Sinclair and his "Conditions at the Slaughterhouse," unsafe and repulsive sanitary conditions were at play, putting thousands of carnivorous Americans and factory workers in danger of death, disease and poverty. Although America had expanded to be the most rapidly industrious nation in the world, few agree that it was worth the expense of its populous' health and well being. 	Upton Sinclair was among a swarm of Muckrakers that erupted during American industrialism. He was among many journalists to expose the wrongs of society and propose ways to fix it. But few muckrakers took their stories as deeply as Sinclair. His depiction of the terrible sanitary conditions at one specific meat packing plant in Chicago touched the publics stomachs rather that their hearts. Although he certainly wanted to give the public a view from the inside, public uproar was his among lesser expectation. The details regarding the unsanitary and disgusting conditions in meat packing factories appear to be background details of a much larger picture. Sinclair's main fight in his "Conditions at the Slaughterhouse" was to bring about the ideology of Socialism and how government needed to step in and take control. 	The grotesque ways in which the meat was being processed in these plants also relates to the ways in which workers were being treated as well. People working in these plants were about as valuable to the owners as the individual pigs themselves. Although they were not necessarily slaves, they were often foreigners and unskilled workers who had no choice but to work for low wages under poor living conditions. Most of these people lived in the plants themselves or in small tenant housings nearby. The beaten workers in the plants found it hard to work in such deprivation and to them their only way to continue living was to drink their problems away. For alcohol seemed to be their only form of enjoyment. 	 	Americans of the 19th century were supposedly granted freedoms to live and work to provide a family and live the American dream with prosperity and happiness. Upton Sinclair :: essays research papers 	At the turn of the century America was in the face of economic downfall. Laissez Faire Industrialism had been in place and citizens were at the disposal of big business. Poor working conditions and poverty were the norm in a time where Socialism was an irrelevant ideology. Big business was making the government rich. But according to Upton Sinclair and his "Conditions at the Slaughterhouse," unsafe and repulsive sanitary conditions were at play, putting thousands of carnivorous Americans and factory workers in danger of death, disease and poverty. Although America had expanded to be the most rapidly industrious nation in the world, few agree that it was worth the expense of its populous' health and well being. 	Upton Sinclair was among a swarm of Muckrakers that erupted during American industrialism. He was among many journalists to expose the wrongs of society and propose ways to fix it. But few muckrakers took their stories as deeply as Sinclair. His depiction of the terrible sanitary conditions at one specific meat packing plant in Chicago touched the publics stomachs rather that their hearts. Although he certainly wanted to give the public a view from the inside, public uproar was his among lesser expectation. The details regarding the unsanitary and disgusting conditions in meat packing factories appear to be background details of a much larger picture. Sinclair's main fight in his "Conditions at the Slaughterhouse" was to bring about the ideology of Socialism and how government needed to step in and take control. 	The grotesque ways in which the meat was being processed in these plants also relates to the ways in which workers were being treated as well. People working in these plants were about as valuable to the owners as the individual pigs themselves. Although they were not necessarily slaves, they were often foreigners and unskilled workers who had no choice but to work for low wages under poor living conditions. Most of these people lived in the plants themselves or in small tenant housings nearby. The beaten workers in the plants found it hard to work in such deprivation and to them their only way to continue living was to drink their problems away. For alcohol seemed to be their only form of enjoyment. 	 	Americans of the 19th century were supposedly granted freedoms to live and work to provide a family and live the American dream with prosperity and happiness.

Book of Negroes Essay

As an old woman, Aminata Diallo is brought to London, England, in 1802, by abolitionists who are petitioning to end the slave trade. As she awaits an audience with King George, she recounts her remarkable life on paper, beginning with her life in Bayo, in western Africa, prior to being abducted from her family at age 11, seeing the death of her mother and father, and being marched in a coffle of captives to the coast along with others from her village. Chekura, a boy of similar age who assists the slave catchers, is at the last minute abducted himself and forced to join Aminata on the slave ship. Despite suffering humiliation, witnessing atrocities, enduring squalor and languishing in starvation, Aminata survives the passage to America because she is able to apply the knowledge and skills passed on to her by her parents, especially the ability to â€Å"catch† babies and to understand some African languages. In South Carolina, Aminata is auctioned off to an indigo plantation, along with a man from her village who has lost his senses during the ocean crossing. She learns the language of the â€Å"buckra† through the teachings of Georgia, an American-born slave, as well as from Mamed, the overseer of the plantation. Daily, Aminata must navigate the new dangers of disease and the eye of the plantation master while she searches for a way to return to her homeland. As she carries Chekura’s child, she is warned that Master Appleby could take it away at any time. Sure enough, at ten months, Aminata’s son, Mamadu, is sold by Appleby and Chekura also disappears. Stricken with grief, Aminata falls into a depression and refuses to work on the plantation. Appleby sells her to Solomon Lindo, the indigo inspector of the region, and she departs for a new life in Charles Town where Lindo promises to treat her as a â€Å"servant† rather than as a â€Å"slave† in that she works for wage and pays rent to Lindo. During rioting in New York City that coincides with the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, Aminata is presented with an opportunity to escape and does so, while Lindo is forced to flee back to the Carolinas. Aminata quickly makes new friends and connections and supports herself by catching babies and working at a tavern, all the while helping others by teaching them how to read and write. Following the surrender of the British, former slaves who have worked for one year or more behind the lines for the British are offered asylum in Nova Scotia. These people’s names are recorded in a ledger called The Book of Negroes, penned in part by Aminata because of her knowledge of many languages. Aminata and Chekura reunite and are given passage aboard the ship Joseph, but Appleby returns for one final act of vengeance against Aminata: he makes a claim to her, separating her from Chekura once more. While Chekura continues to Nova Scotia, Aminata must stand trial, and it is Solomon Lindo who ends up setting her free. Aminata lands in Shelburne, Nova Scotia, on the last Loyalist ship, and she has to use her talents as a baby catcher, reader and teacher once again to survive, for the sake of herself and her unborn child, as she prepares for the journey to reunite with Chekura in Annapolis Royal. However, her inquiries come up empty. May, their three-year-old child, is abducted by the Witherspoons, a white couple who had befriended Aminata, and Aminata returns to a life without hope. When the opportunity arises for Aminata to cross the ocean again to begin a colony in Sierra Leone, Africa, she is shocked to learn of Chekura’s death and decides to make the journey to her homeland. The struggle to maintain the colony of Freetown under the control of the Sierra Leone Company is complicated by its proximity to Bance Island and the slave trade. Relations with the local Temne are strained, and tempers flare when slave coffles are marched directly in front of Freetown. Longing to see her beloved Bayo village, Aminata agrees to travel back to Bance Island to secure passage into the interior. However, one month into her journey inland, she learns of the betrayal that she is to be sold back into slavery; she flees for days until she finds sanctuary in a village. Realizing that she will never return to her true home, she leaves for London to join the abolitionists to end slavery. She writes an account of her life that is shared in Parliament, and she meets with King George III and Queen Charlotte Sophia. Because of the attention from the newspapers, Aminata’s long-lost daughter, May, finds her after an eighteen-year separation and takes care of her in her old age as the struggle to end slavery continues in Parliament.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hong Kong

What about Hong Kong? If we explore the culture of Hong Kong through the lens of the 5-D Model, we can get a good overview of the deep drivers of its culture relative to other world cultures. Power distance This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us. Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.At 68 Hong Kong has a high score on PDI – i. e. a society that believes that inequalities amongst people are acceptable. The subordinate-superior relationship tends to be polarized and there is no defense against power abuse by superiors. Individuals are influenced by formal authority and sanctions and are in general optimistic about people’s capacity for leadership and initiative. Individualism The fundamental issue addr essed by this dimension is the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members.It has to do with whether people? s self-image is defined in terms of â€Å"I† or â€Å"We†. In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only. In Collectivist societies people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for loyalty. At a score of 25 Hong Kong is a collectivist culture where people act in the interests of the group and not necessarily of themselves. In-group considerations affect hiring and promotions with closer in-groups (such as family) are getting preferential treatment.Whereas relationships with colleagues are cooperative for in-groups they are cold or even hostile to out-groups. Personal relationships prevail over task and company. Communication is indirect and the harmony of the group has to be maintained, open conflicts are avoided. Masculinity / Femininity A high score (masc uline) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organisational behaviour.A low score (feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine). At 57 Hong Kong is a somewhat masculine society –success oriented and driven. The need to ensure success can be exemplified by the fact that many will spend many hours at work.Service people (such as hairdressers) will provide services until very late at night. Another example is that students care very much about their exam scores and ranking as this is the main criteria to achieve success or not. Uncertainty avoidance The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in different ways.The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the UAI score. At 29 Hong Kong has a low score on uncertainty avoidance. Adherence to laws and rules may be flexible to suit the actual situation and pragmatism is a fact of life. The people in Hong Kong are comfortable with ambiguity; the Chinese language is full of ambiguous meanings that can be difficult for Western people to follow. They are adaptable and entrepreneurial. Long term orientationThe long term orientation dimension is closely rel ated to the teachings of Confucius and can be interpreted as dealing with society’s search for virtue, the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future-oriented perspective rather than a conventional historical short-term point of view. With a score of 96 Hong Kong is a highly long term oriented society in which persistence and perseverance are normal. Relationships are ordered by status and the order is observed. People are thrifty and sparing with resources and investment tends to be in long term projects such as real estate. Traditions can be adapted to suit new conditions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING - Essay Example a better comprehension of the risks it is exposed to as a result of climate change and can potentially reduce its costs of energy and other resources as at will gain a positive reputation in the currently competitive corporate sector. The following report explains the UK legal requirements currently upheld and the main voluntary guidance on environmental reporting. The Companies act of 2006 requires all quoted UK companies to accurately and truthfully pinpoint and report on GHCs (greenhouse gases) that they produce. Quoted companies hereby refer to all UK incorporated companies as well as those whose shares are traded in the NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange, European Economic Area, or the London Stock Exchange (Global Reporting Initiative, 2006). As a legal framework, the company’s annual report must include the information on emissions to the extent that individuals and government agencies will be able to comprehensively understand the company’s business. This includes the use of KPIs (key performance indicators) such as utility bills if and when applicable in the report. Failure to include the GHCs emissions can be considered to be a violation of the law unless the accountant clearly indicates in the omissions sections that the GHCs emission information was omitted (Pahuja, 2009). The Institute of Chartered Accountants in cooperation with the Environment Agency in Wales and England has published direction on environmental reporting that has been helpful in reporting on environmental impacts and social impacts. When collecting data for and reporting on environmental impacts, the law requires that the following principles are upheld. Data collected and reported must properly portray the impacts that the organization has had on the environment. Being relevant will make the information helpful to internal and external users who might need to make various decisions based ion the report. Similarly, accuracy should be attained by reducing uncertainties in the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Multiversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Multiversity - Essay Example ty thus resulted in the incorporation of different communities within a single setting thus; developing holistic individuals with a propensity to interact ad integrate ideas. Clark Kerr in his article the idea of a multiversity investigates the history of the idea and its ramification to the contemporary world and the academic environments. The brainchildren of the idea had a number of specific convenience issue that they sought to address by developing the idea. The historical evolution of higher education through the subsequent introduction of the idea of a multiversity was progressive and a result of several structural and management changes in the governance of the facilities of higher education as the discussion below reveals. Kerr begins his article by investigating the origin of universities as institutions of higher learning. The earliest universities such as Oxford, Bologna, and Edinburg had specific structures that necessitate the management of the single institutions that specialized in single courses offered in single campuses. The administrative structures of the facilities necessitated the management of the facilities as single entities with each university at the time specializing is single disciplines. However, with time and the resultant changes in the social environment, the society became more liberal with the demand for education increasing in the western world among other regions globally. Such leading and prestigious institutions therefore led the change into more liberal and diversified learning institutions thereby permitting the inclusion of more courses and campuses leading to the development of the multiversity concept â€Å" it was clear that by 1930 that universities have changed profoundly and commonly in the direction of social evolution of which they are part† Kerr 3. In this statement, Kerr acknowledges that institutions of higher learning such as universities existed as part of the society and therefore had to represent the social

Monday, October 7, 2019

Emplyee relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Emplyee relation - Essay Example This implied that ministers would use available policies like tax cuts, increased state spending to improve economic activities and achieve full employment. Unlike in the pre-war era, trade unions were encouraged by the UK government and regularly consulted on the most suitable workplace relation and relevant economic policies. With the economic changes that happened in the 1980s when government reduced its role in the utility industry like gas and electricity following their privatization, a significant impact was experienced in employee relations. Companies had more control over their internal employee association policies unlike in the early post-war years when government had ultimate authority. The government’s welfare policies through the national insurance system and National Health Service (NHS) have since 1979, shaped employment relations by ensuring that employers are held accountable to the wee-being of their employees. By promoting equality through social frameworks and progressive taxation policies, the government is significantly influencing employment relations. Employee involvement is when an environment where members of staff have a contribution to decision that touch on their jobs. It is used as a philosophy in continuous improvement within organizations when people are allowed to make contributions. Empowerment, on the other hand, occurs when lead employees are given room to make managerial decisions. Employee engagement is the art of keeping the workforce occupied for maximum productivity and may include letting them play games during breaks. Finally, industrial democracy occurs when policies that touch on employee welfare are a joint product of the organization’s management and representatives of the workforce. From these forms, industrial democracy is the best representative of employees’ interests because it involves them at the policy level. Getting involved at the policy level

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Policing in a Democratic Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Policing in a Democratic Society - Assignment Example Finally, the essay will explore some ideas for eradication of the weaknesses encountered in the police structure. Following a rising rate of crime and threats to national and international security, the role of the police has been repeatedly questioned by the public. This questioning of the role played by the police is quite natural. This is because the police structure is supposed to protect the public. This is the entire social purpose of this structure. Usually, it is thought that the principle or objective of the police structure is criminal law enforcement. But, it is forgotten that most of the duties are related to order maintenance (Walker & Katz, 2012, p. 4). This is why both good protection of public interests and enforcement of law should translate into a dwindling rate of crime and threats. But, the real situation is opposite which is largely due to the fact that power is often not exercised in accordance with democratic principles. More attention is focused on reinforcing the crime-fighter image than maintaining order in society. The police do so to create this impression on the pub lic that â€Å"they, and they alone, could control† (Walker & Katz, 2012, p. 7). One of the most important principles of democratic policing is to use the authority delegated to the police by the state in the best interests of common people. When power is used by the capitalist class to control the working class or to monopolize their resources, democracy is threatened. Any problem brought to the police by a common person should be valued and addressed just as much as a problem brought by a person in high position. Unfortunately, this does not happen actually which is a great weakness of the police structure. More importance is attached to influential people by the police than to common people who lack resources. Also, more people with disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds are put

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Wilma Rudolph An Olympic Medalist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wilma Rudolph An Olympic Medalist - Essay Example She won two individual events, the 100 and the 200 meter dash, and also anchored the women's 4x4 team. Not only breaking records, Rudolph also broken gender barriers in several events. She won numerous awards, including The struggles Wilma had to overcome began when she was four, and diagnosed with polio. The doctors told her mom there was no hope of Wilma ever being able to walk, but she helped Wilma fight through the disease. She massaged Wilma's legs every day and also taught her brothers and sisters how to do it. Her mother Blanche, "drove her 90 miles roundtrip to a Nashville hospital for therapy"( By the age of 8 Wilma was able to walk with the help of a brace. Eventually, she was able to walk and even play basketball without the help of any additional support. She was so good, she was encouraged to start track, and in her senior year of high school she qualified for the Olympic Games, where she won a bronze medal. ( She also thought that she had a greater calling, and after winning all those gold medals, she retired at the age of 22, and became of inspirational track coach. She also formed the Wilma Rudolph Foundation to help children learn about "discipline and hard work."( Wilma died in 1994.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Promoting the Integration of Therapeutic Touch in Nursing Practice Essay Example for Free

Promoting the Integration of Therapeutic Touch in Nursing Practice Essay 1. Describe the patient group in the study. English speaking adults with Dx of cancer expected to be on the unit the day following the intervention, whose medical conditions did not preclude their ability to comfortably receive TT or participate in the interview, and were able to give informed consent; 34 patient-participants completed the research process (16 women and 18 men), age range of 22 to 77 with an average age of 52 years 2. What was their health problem? Bone marrow transplant Patients. The focus of the study? Explore the experiences of nurses and patients on an inpatient oncology and bone marrow transplant unit when nurses had time preserved for exclusive offering of TT. 3. Who was providing the care? Two staff nurse-interventionists who were experienced and participated in TT education, and three nurse-interviewers who discussed the TT intervention with patient-participants the day following TT treatment. 4. What was the setting for the care? The study was conducted in an academic medical center on a 26 bed hematology/oncology in patient unit with bone marrow transplantation program. 5. What were the findings? 1) TT is a vehicle for comfort, caring, and presence that creates possibility and healing 2) TT invites a shift from disease-state focus to personhood focus that is freeing and reawakens the essence of nursing 3)TT is an intervention that illuminates the transformative power of nursing theory-research-practice. 6. What were the recommendations? Having a complementary nursing strategy, such as TT, that allows nurses an additional way to offering care that facilitates comfort, assists with anxiety reduction, and enhances sleep is of major significance. 7. How practical/useful is this information to a practicing nurse? I am not sure how practical TT is. First, you would have to have additional staff to allow for the time to educate seasoned nurses in TT and then to perform TT on the patients. You would also have to have the support of the administrative staff. However, I do believe that laying on of hands is an effective therapeutic tool. 8. What I wonder is†¦.. would there be a similar outcome in other specialty areas that patients have not had the opportunity to establish a trusting relationship with the nursing staff prior to TT.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Operating Systems Course: Reflection Essay

Operating Systems Course: Reflection Essay There are a lot of new concepts about Telecommunications and Networking that I’ve learned in depth in this course. It is one of the very interesting courses that I have done so far in IT. I feel it is worth doing this course online as there is a chance to learn so many concepts through our assignments. Wire shark labs were very interesting and we have gained practical knowledge on how networking works in real scenarios. There are so many topics that I felt interesting throughout the course, but there is this topic ‘Modes of Network Operation’ which was the discussion topic in the 6th week that left an ‘aha’ moment. In Infrastructure mode of Network operation, communications occur between a set of Wireless Adapter equipped computers and also between a wired networks by going through a Wireless Access Point (AP). Infrastructurerefers to switches, routers, firewalls, and access points (Aps). Access Points are responsible for handling traffic between wireless networks and also wired networks. There is no Peer to Peer communication in this mode. A wireless network in infrastructure mode which is also connected to wired network is called as BSS (Basic service set).A set of two or more service sets is called Extended Service Set (ESS). The BSSID is a 48-bit number of the same format as a MAC address. This field uniquely identifies each BSS. The value of this field is the MAC address of the AP. Advantages of Infrastructure mode: Wide areas are covered by utilizing the high power of an access point in Infrastructure mode which is the advantage. The learning curve will be less for knowing wireless strengths and weaknesses with Infrastructure Mode. Number of clients can be supported in this mode of operation as additional access points can be added to WLAN to increase the reach of the infrastructure and support any number of wireless clients. Infrastructure mode networks offer the advantage of scalability, centralized security management and improved reach. Disadvantages: The disadvantage associated with infrastructure wireless network is additional cost to purchase AP hardware. ADHOC Mode:  In this mode, each station is a peer to the other stations and communicates directly with other stations within the network. No Access points are required. Advantages: Because Ad Hoc Mode does not require an access point, its easier to set up, especially in a small or temporary network. Disadvantages: In Ad Hoc Mode connections are limited, for example between two laptops, to the power available in the laptops. Because the network layout (thenetwork topology) in Ad Hoc Mode changes regularly, system resources are taken just to maintain connectivity. In an Ad Hoc network with many computers, the amount of interference for all computers will go up, since each is trying to use the same frequency channel. In Ad Hoc Mode, chains of computers will connect to pass your data, if your computer is not directly in range. On the other hand, you do not have control over the path your data takes. The automatic configuration routines may send your data through several computers, causing significant network delays. Conclusion Based on the above various mode of operation both offer advantages and as well as disadvantages. Based on the necessity one many opt for Ad hoc mode where set up is easy and no access points are required whereas Infrastructure mode is suited well for wireless networks as it supports any number of clients and offers advantages such as scalability, security and improved approach. There are a lot of concepts of Operating Systems that are learnt in depth from the course Operating Systems, it being one of the most important courses to be known to end up in software industry. However, I feel, and have always felt that it’s important to understand where we came from and how we landed up here, to be able to understand where we are going. The technology on which the operating systems run on and the mechanics of OS have progressed more than that could have been imagined in the last 30 years. By understanding how that progress was made, we can apply it and make equal progress in the future too. There are so many interesting topics in the discussions and journal entries throughout the course, but the first discussion on â€Å"Microsoft Windows 8: One Size Fits All?† remained as my favorite topic. It being the first discussion topic, also made me feel how interesting the entire Operating systems course would be. This topic grabbed my attention all of a sudden as I have been using Operating systems mostly Microsoft Windows from so many years without even knowing what exactly is happening behind it. The pros and cons of Windows 8 are summed from the â€Å"One size fits all† discussion. This made me think of the practical application of an OS by comparing with the features of other OS. I felt it’s not possible to develop single OS which can be efficient on tablets and PCs and that was the first time I had to disagree/not satisfied with Microsoft’s invention. Microsoft has been ruling the OS platforms. Windows 8 has drastic changes in platform and user interface of the operating systems. It had a smartphone before the Apple iPhone revolution came along, and it was pushing tablet PCs before the Apple iPad made it cool. But, as long as Microsoft’s history with mobile devices is, so is its stubborn desire to make everything about its Windows OS. Nowadays we cannot even imagine the world without computer as they are a part of everyday life now. But many of us do not care about what is actually happening when we use a system. Though I had little knowledge about operating systems earlier, now even though I don’t know everything I’m sure that I have learnt a lot about the functioning of an operating system, many types of management techniques in various operating systems, scheduling algorithms, and Protection and Security mechanisms in OS. An Operating system is a program that manages computers hardware and knowledge about operating system is necessary to start a career in software industry. Operating system provides a basis for application programs and acts as an intermediary between users and computer hardware and optimizes the utilization of hardware. It must exist in order for other programs to run. I would definitely continue my career as a software developer after completion of Masters in IT as I have been a software developer earlier. As a developer I would be developing software applications and having in depth knowledge of Operating systems is always necessary. An Operating system provides a software platform on which other application programs can run. So in some scenario’s like asynchronous function calls in the program written, I would definitely understand the execution of program much better having knowledge of how operating system works. I am pretty sure next time when I buy a laptop or an electronic device, I would not be lost with technical specifications. Indeed I would be more interesting to know the features and discuss the specifications confidently. Finally, I would say learning about the operating system will help every IT professional in their career.